Team building cookery and nutrition workshops

Why is team building so important?

We are human beings craving connection, the flexible working that is now so common at companies has changed the dynamics of this, changed the way we connect. Don’t get me wrong, I loved the flexibility of being able to take my daughters to school or do the washing at lunch time instead of adding housework to my never-ending to-do-list. However, it also distanced me from my colleagues and created a kind of barrier that had a big impact on me personally.

Working in the corporate world for 17 years has taught me many lessons. One of the biggest ones is that – you remember the people you worked with more than the actual job you used to do at a company. You will recall fond memories of laughing together, the tears you shed sharing sad news with a dear colleague who became a good and trusted friend too. You will remember how people made you feel and the names of those you could quick dial without hesitation knowing they will help you in an instant. You remember brainstorming sessions where you felt valued and lunches and dinner outs that probably ended passed your bedtime leaving some blurred photos and a sore head for you in the morning. The “happy days”, I often refer to with some of my old colleagues who we spent over a decade together at the same firm. Things that I perhaps now miss being self employed but think of dearly.

What are your nicest memories that you can pull out of your imaginary memory box? Are you ready to add to this selection for you and your team?

Leaving the corporate world at the end of March (2023) I have embarked on a new journey with much excitement to share the love of food, inspire people to cook and also coach them to live a healthier and more fulfilled life. The 17 years of corporate experience – with 13 of this spent in management roles – is deeply engraved in who I am today. I love being in a team, building a team and mentoring, coaching people to reach their full potential. I always took care of my team members and listened to their stories to understand who they really were, to find out about their values, beliefs and what lite them up. My core belief has always been that: people who feel seen and listened to, feel valued and invested in, will become your loyal “core” you can take on a long journey with you. This takes time, energy and more time and energy. And a lot of listening.

During and post COVID as a manager, I found it challenging to keep the team spirit up and onboard new recruits. We had online team meetings and many phone and video calls, but this didn’t really cut it for me. So much you can share virtually, and so much you can also hide or disguise. There are many benefits of flexible working as an employee. For managers – those I have spoken to share my opinion – it can cause a headache. If you want to inspire your staff to come to the office and collaborate, to enjoy spending a work day together, you need to offer a little bit more than just a desk space. You need to highlight the positives and possible wins a day spent together can offer. Not just to tick a box to fill empty office spaces with people who feel miserable having to get up early to come in and really engage.

How can you engage your teams? How can I help you?

This is where I come in! I will have an initial consultation with you and your management team to discuss your needs and goals. You can then pick from one of my team building sessions or I can build you a bespoke package. I primarily offer cookery workshops – pasta masterclasses being the most popular – and also workshops around mental health, wellbeing and nutrition. You can opt for a one off workshop or discuss a longer term package where I can support you for 6-12 month on an ongoing basis with different types of cookery and nutrition related activities. I provide all equipment and ingredients, you just need to provide the space and join in the fun!

What are the benefits of investing in team building activities?

  • Increases attendance with the view of taking part in a fun activity.
  • Enhances communication and improves collaboration.
  • Fosters positive relationships.
  • Helps build problem-solving skills, encourages critical thinking and innovative solutions.
  • Creates fond memories that could spark further activities.
  • Reduces stress and boosts morale.
  • Creates space for the team members to get to know each other and bond more.

If you want to take your team on a culinary journey, get in touch! I look forward to working with you and create a special memory for you and your colleagues.
