That was a wake up call! How negative our self-talk can really get?

How many times do you make up stories about what other people might be thinking of you? Whether it is something you are doing at the time or just the simple characteristics of your personality? If you follow my Instagram page, you might have seen 

You are NOT a failure! Navigating life with your fussy eater

Being bombarded by constant headlines and social media about healthy eating can make us all feel like a failure. The many contradictory information out there just makes it all harder to navigate busy parenthood. Even though I am a qualified nutrition coach and know what 

Eliminating Household Toxins in the Kitchen

I attended a really interesting seminar last week where one of the sessions was about toxins in our environment. I was shocked to find out how many things around us can carry toxins and have detrimental effect on our health. I wanted to share practical 

Hello New Year, please be kind!

I hope you had a lovely festive break and ready to ease back into your routine. It has been pretty hard to get up in the morning this week. We are so used to having lazy mornings and lots of sleep in the Christmas break. 

End of year reflection and planning for the New Year

December has a magical festive feel that is mixed with self-reflection, taking account of the year gone by and planning for the next one. No wonder we all feel a little overwhelmed, it is a lot to navigate emotionally. My birthday is on NYE and 

How to easily reduce the festive overwhelm

How to easily reduce the festive overwhelm

I don’t know about you, but I certainly feel a bit anxious about Christmas being around the corner. I love the month of December – and not just because it is my birthday month! 🙂 It gives me a fuzzy feeling, knowing that I can 

Navigating the festive feasts without the guilt

Navigating the festive feasts without the guilt

With the festive period fast approaching, the anxiety around what to cook and eat for Christmas is growing. Whether you’re planning a cosy dinner at home or venturing out, the choices of dishes and drinks can seem overwhelming, and the options are indeed endless! In 

Are you raising healthy eaters?

Are you raising healthy eaters?

Having a picky eater as my first born child not only pushed my boundaries, but taught me many lessons. Things about myself, my child and the society we live in. I researched it endlessly and spent many (late) nights reading recipes and advice from the 

Is coffee good for you?

Is coffee good for you?

I wonder if there are other people like me who look forward to their first cup of coffee as much as I do. As if mornings wouldn’t exist without the ritual of having this bitter brew – in my case with frothy soy or oat 

Cooking with children – Interview with Lisa Aldwin from Eat Smart Sheffield

Cooking with children – Interview with Lisa Aldwin from Eat Smart Sheffield

Lisa Aldwin is the Programme Manager of Eat Smart Sheffield – a Sheffield City Council funded initiative that focusses on a whole school approach to food and nutrition. Lisa is also a Registered Nutritionist and a mum of two. For more information about the Eat