Eliminating Household Toxins in the Kitchen

I attended a really interesting seminar last week where one of the sessions was about toxins in our environment. I was shocked to find out how many things around us can carry toxins and have detrimental effect on our health. I wanted to share practical tips with you that you can implement straight away. I know you cannot avoid everything, but there are small steps and simple swaps that on a long term can make a big difference.

What are these toxins?

Bisphenol A (BPA)

Commonly found in plastic containers, can leach into food and beverages, disrupting the endocrine system and potentially leading to hormonal imbalances. Studies have linked BPA exposure to various health issues, including reproductive problems, diabetes, weight gain, asthma, cancer, recurring miscarriages, early onset of puberty, reduced sperm count, behavioural issues and cardiovascular diseases and more.

Plastic can be broken down by: heat, oil, acidity, abrasion and time.


1.) Opt for BPA-free plastic containers or switch to glass or stainless steel alternatives.

2.) Avoid microwaving food in plastic containers, as heat can accelerate the release of BPA.

Perfluorinated Chemicals (PFCs)

Non-stick cookware often contains PFCs, which can release toxic fumes when heated at high temperatures. Prolonged exposure to these fumes has been associated with respiratory issues and adverse effects on the liver and immune system.


1.) Choose cookware with ceramic, cast iron, or stainless steel surfaces. (Avoid using cast iron if your iron levels are high.)

2.) Cook at lower temperatures and avoid overheating non-stick pans.


Found in food packaging can migrate into the contents and disrupt the endocrine system. Long-term exposure may contribute to reproductive problems and developmental issues.


1.) Opt for fresh, whole foods and reduce reliance on packaged goods.

2.) Store food in glass or stainless steel containers to minimize contact with plastic.

Synthetic Pesticides

Pesticides on fruits and vegetables can pose health risks, including neurological issues, reproductive problems, and certain cancers.


1.) Wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly under running water.

2.) Consider choosing organic produce to reduce exposure to synthetic pesticides.

Chemical Cleaners

Many conventional kitchen cleaners contain harsh chemicals like ammonia and chlorine, which can irritate the respiratory system and contribute to indoor air pollution.


1.) Use natural cleaning alternatives such as vinegar, baking soda, and lemon for routine kitchen cleaning.

2.) Look for eco-friendly, non-toxic cleaning products.

Household Dust

Dust can contain all the above plus dead skin cells.


1.) Use a hoover with HEPA filter.

2.) Take your shoes and coats off in the porch.

3.) Air the house.

4.) Wash beddings regularly.

There are other toxins in the house like mould, beauty products, hair dyes, sun creams.

Where to start?

I would recommend picking the kitchen and focus on that first.

Quick tips to remember:

1.) If you have plastic cups that you use for your children, consider replacing with glass if your children are old enough of course.

2.) If you batch cook, make sure that you cool down your food before putting in plastic containers or use glass ones (but leave enough space in the container to allow the food to expand, otherwise these can crack).

3.) Use your plastic containers for cereals, breadcrumbs, dry food to reduce plastic leaching into you food.

4.) Hot coffee that you drink from your travel cup that has plastic mouth can also be corroded by the hot acidic drink, so consider taking the lid off when drinking.

5.) No need to replace all your cookware straight away but if you have a few old tefal saucepans that have seen better days, buy some that are stainless steal or cast iron or even ceramic.

6.) Remove plastic packaging of the fruit and veg when you get home.

7.) Use a charcoal water filter for your water. It is a cheap and natural way to clean your water.

And remember, take it step by step. You cannot avoid all of these toxins, but being aware of where they are will allow you to make informed choices when shopping for products.

I hope this helped. If you have any questions about this, send me a message!