Welcome to my blog!

My name is Viki, and Twiddle is my little venture.

I started running pasta making workshops in March 2019, when a friend’s daughter called me to do her 17th birthday party. It was one of the most exciting and scariest day of my new mumpreneur life. I had six days to get ready for the big event to teach 15 seventeen year old girls to make fresh pasta from scratch. I even taught them how to make a Hungarian sweet pasta that was served as dessert. It was a fun night and everyone enjoyed themselves.

The idea came about a year and a half before, but having two young ones, and also working part time consumed all my time and energy. If you follow my social media pages, you will know doubt know about my fussy eater Annabel. Being my first child with a very stubborn nature – just like me! – she was a very tough cookie to wean and feed. I was desperate for her to try new food and actually enjoy these, but she was having none of that. I will tell you more about this in a separate post. I kept trying and kept cooking everything from scratch and tried to get her involved as much as I could and as much as she was willing to. One day I bought a pasta machine in a charity shop, brand new basic one. She absolutely loved rolling the dough with me, but mainly without me. She would make her entire dinner with very little help, she was only 4 years old. She also started inviting her friends around and many weekends I would end up rolling fresh pasta teaching families the technique.

The problem with her fussy eating continued, so I started making up yummy sauces with hidden vegetables. Then I had an idea and added some beetroot powder to the pasta dough to make it more fun. It was a hit! I kept going to health shops and bought all the healthy powders I could find to experiment with. We used fresh spinach, cuttlefish ink and what not to make it more fun and healthy. Together we learnt many shapes and techniques and also had a fabulous time together. It made me realise the power of cooking together and creating memories in a way that would not just be fun but educational. This was when the “penny dropped” and I decided that I would start teaching others.

Doing lots of research on nutrition also lead me to signing up to a diploma in Culinary Medicine.

Since then I have taught hundreds of children and adults to roll the dough. If you are interested in learning from me, get in touch as I have many different options to offer.

“Learn to cook – try new recipes, learn from your mistakes, be fearless and above all, have fun!”

Much love,
